My Marathon Adventure Blog

Running, Adventure, NCAH, Gluten-Free, Krista Clarke, Training for Half / Full Marathons

May 1st: Weigh-In Wednesday! May 1, 2013

Filed under: Daily Update — Krista Clarke @ 11:32 pm



(20lbs Down)


Oh My Goodness!

That’s right!!!! I am down 20lbs as of May 1st, 2013! 

IMG_1546This is one of my proudest moments of my life! I have worked so hard that when that scale said 167.6lbs I had lost I almost IMG_1534cried! I opted otherwise for strong high-five  from Stephanie after she added up the math and said, ” Yes! That right there is 20lbs!” She just keeps saying that the amount of weight I have lost is remarkable! She thinks it has to do with how active I have decided to be in this journey to a better ME. I am so proud of myself for a challenges I have overcome! I know there is so much more I have to gain from this experience and I can’t wait for it to come.

smile IMG_1521 IMG_1522 figure IMG_1524Today I had to work and couldn’t go to Zumba like I always do before weigh-in. Soooooo because I didn’t get out of work until 3:20pm and class started at 5:30pm, I had to boogie as fast as I could to get out to Oak and get in some cardio! I was determined to hit that 20lbs mark. Although I did only 2.5miles of the 3miles, I did it in extreme-o speed!…and was seven minutes to class, so I had to weight-in after class!!! GGGgggrrrrrr!

On a serious note: I became ill this last week because of my genetic condition in which I lose salt 50% faster than someone average. We couldn’t what was going on and after two and a half days off work, I went to the weight management center to speak to a nurse about my situation. She advised me to have my contact my GP for some labs and to have some salt. From what I am have gathered from this program is that the food is extremely low in sodium. This means that I am obtaining enough sodium for me to live off of. So a little chicken bullion combined with the Savry Chicken Recipe = Chicken and Wild Rice Sou… and… BAM! Better in hours! It is nice to know that I can figure this out in the posistion  I was in. Boy…do I feel so much better!

Homework for last week

  1. Do a new evening PA and add an extra Entrée to one of the days!

Girly Toe Pick Skates


Mannly Hockey Skates

Let me tell you what…Ice Skating is so much fun! It is so much work and the workout was crazy! I felt it for a couple of days.

You may have not seen there was much of a difference in the two photos but there is…the one on the left are the first ones I tried are (as the caption says) The girl figure skating type and the right ones are the again (as the caption says) the hockey blades. I did pretty good with both kinds but it is nothing like rollerblading! I didn’t fall but there were times when my friend Brian had to hold my hand or catch me! Thank goodness! The only thing that matters is that it was a blast!


  1. Do two different types of PA in the same day. They can last 10mins or more each.
  2. Try to make a something with the chicken soup “shake”…soup, crackers, pizza crust…etc

This week should be a fun one! I am going to try to make chips with the chicken soup “shake”. Then for the two different PA’s, I think I am going to check out kayaking and paddle boarding sometime after work. I am actually really excited. My alternate will be rollerblading and running (or) hiking

What I learned from this week is that you have to take care of yourself before anything. Yes, I kind of had to “Go Out Of The Box’ but it was to keep me safe and healthy. Being healthy is my ultimate goal and if that means I need to go “out of the box” then so be it. Why am I telling you this? Well I think it can apply to so many things in life. YOU HAVE TO PUT YOURSELF FIRST! I don’t mean being selfish, but in order to be there for the ones that need you, you need to be the best you can be. You need to be the strongest base for others to he held up on. You can show them that by taking care of themselves they too can be an amazing person!

Stay Strong because you can!

Cheers! Until we meet again!